自分自身のための ものづくり / 自分自身のためのものづくりメモ

* RP2C05-03, RP2C05-04

VS Top GunのPPUはファミコンのRGB化には使えない…?orz

MAMEのvsnes.c http://www.mameworld.net/maws/mamesrc/src/machine/vsnes.c より
/* VS Top Gun: ROMs bankings at $8000-$ffff, plus some protection */
static READ_HANDLER( topgun_security_r )

Nintendo Vs. Series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Several of the later Vs. games employed further measures of protection by using special PPUs which swapped pairs of I/O registers and/or returned special data from normally unimplemented regions of memory - attempts to run these games in other Vs. systems would result in the game failing to even start.


#RGB #ファミコン

create : 2006/05/17 (Wed)
update : 2006/05/17 (Wed)